Novell Design Build
Company Description:
Novell Design Build is an award-winning firm that designs & builds homes throughout Greater Vancouver. Their breadth of service provides custom new homes, major renovations, additions and laneway homes. At the centre of their practice is a dedication to thoughtful solutions and meaningful spaces. For outdoor contracting and Novella Signature Sheds, contact Novella Outdoors.New Products
Expand your home to the outdoors with The Novella Signature Shed. Models include modern workspaces, leisure centres, wellness studios, gyms and storage solutions, with the same quality craftsmanship as our custom homes.
Certifications & Awards
Novell Design Build are licensed builders with BC Housing, RenoMark Renovators, Pacific Home Warranty and signatories on the Builder’s Code Pledge. The principal designer, Laurel James is LEED accredited. They are also proud HAVAN and BBB members.
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